Body Piercing Consent Form

Medical Information

We ask these questions for your saftey and so we can be aware of any potential problems during and after the piercing has been carried out. For exmple: people with low immune systems will take longer to heal - we can give a more tailored aftercare based on the info you give us.

*A Doctor's Note may be required for ongoing medication

*A Doctor's Note may be required for ongoing medication.

If you have swollen excessively in the past its good for us to know before we pierce you so we can accommodate the jewellery
We do not advise attending an appointment after a Night-Shift, please organise your appointment accordingly.

DON'T FORGET! Please note we will not be able to accept this application unless you eat a full-meal within 4 hrs before your appointment. We hold the right to refuse on the day & you will loose your appointment slot.